Thursday, October 2, 2008

Earn Extra Money Online

Have you ever looked at your computer wishing that you could find a way to earn extra money online with it? Your not alone! All you need to do is go online to Google and search for the phrase "earn extra money online" and look at all the opportunities. You'll find many business and marketing models to choose from, but the question is how successful will you be with all these methods of earning extra money online.

Don't fall for all the hype on these websites regarding your chances of success earning extra money online. It's easy to make a bad choice and spend a lot of time and money only to ultimately fail. Don't let that happen: keep reading.

Many of these business models that you will find in your search for a way to earn extra money online are unfortunately driven only by greed. Greed for those at the top. Everyone else is usually left to fend for themselves which is difficult for those who don't know how to market online successfully. There is a business model however, where people work together for the success of the whole team.

The most successful business model is one where everyone shares in the wealth and the work load. Instead of greed, the main focus of this unique business model is the SUCCESS of the whole team. If you can find a business online that has this cooperative model at its core, you have found an opportunity that has the focus of SUCCESS for the whole team in mind. This type of business model is not an easy model to develop and maintain because it requires everyone to work together as a team and help one another succeed. Very few opportunities have been able to develop and maintain this type of organization because the main focus for most opportunities is greed for the people at the top instead of cooperation.

Why is the cooperative business model better for anyone wanting to earn extra money online? The cooperative business model encourages everyone to work together combining their efforts for the good of the whole team. The International Cooperative Alliance defines a cooperative as "an autonomous association of persons united voluntarily to meet their common economic, social and cultural needs and aspirations through a jointly-owned and democratically-controlled enterprise." By joining forces, individuals that want to use their computers to earn some extra money online can meet their common economic, social and cultural aspirations together working as a team.

A business that has a well developed cooperative marketing business plan is the one that is based on the values of ethical values of honesty, social responsibility and caring for others. Like all successful cooperatives, these cooperative businesses need to be based on self-responsibility, equality, solidarity and place the importance on education and training for every member. Together, everyone works to promote the cooperative opportunity and support one another.

The good news is that you don't have to do it all on your own. You can work with others who have the same aspirations of earning some extra money online. You share knowledge with the other members in a voluntary effort to generate wealth from your computer for all involved. Sometimes it's difficult to see the real power of working together, but a cooperative business model that develops its members into a wealth generating group is a sure fire way to achieve long term success for those wanting to earn extra money online with their computer.

CLICK HERE for more information regarding a cooperative business model dedicated to the success of all its members.

Dave Shlictemeier

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